Free FM Programmes

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 27 items in 3 pages
A Sonic Youth

A Sonic Youth

Music     English A love for indie rock as expressed by a 18-year-old Kiwi. Episodes and More
Anpudan Waikato

Anpudan Waikato

Ethnic Voices     Tamil (Sri Lanka) From Arasan FM, Anpudan Waikato is a Tamil show featuring news, music, interviews, and current affairs. It connects the Tamil community in NZ with their culture and global happenings. Engage by sending requests and feedback to Making it a platform for interaction and cultural exchange. Episodes and More
B Orig

B Orig

Ethnic Voices     English Bisaya Original Music for New Zealand and beyond. Introducing the music, both traditional and pop, of Bisaya artists as well as the Bisaya culture and language; and providing a link to Bisaya people in New Zealand to other parts of the globe. Episodes and More
Back Porch Bluegrass

Back Porch Bluegrass

Music     English Paul Trenwith is an enthusiastic advocate for, player and promoter of bluegrass music. Back Porch Bluegrass features a wide range of the genre's best performers. Episodes and More
Barangay New Zealand

Barangay New Zealand

Ethnic Voices     Filipino Barangay New Zealand is your Filipino home, away from home – your connection to the homeland. Tune in for an hour of Pinoy music and information. Episodes and More


Music     English Deep_INsessioNZ goes deep into electronic music culture from jungle to dub, from garage to tech house and everything in between. Episodes and More
Drawn Borings: A Curated Soundscape for Creative Minds

Drawn Borings: A Curated Soundscape for Creative Minds

Arts and Culture     English Inspired by Grant's practice of automatic drawing, Drawn Borings isn’t just passive background music—it’s an immersive experience designed to open doors to new ideas and creative moments. Episodes and More
Go Feet! Radio

Go Feet! Radio

Music     English GO FEET! Radio - Ska, Rocksteady, Reggae, and Dub, plus more. This is a weekly show broadcast on Free FM, an access radio station proudly supported by NZ on Air Episodes and More
Harmony Waikato

Harmony Waikato

Music     English Harmony Waikato is a programme for vocal groups of all sorts, shapes and sizes and styles from madrigals to hymns, from jazz to spirituals and doo-wop to barbershop. This is a weekly show broadcast on Free FM. Episodes and More
How Waikato Musicians Took On the World and Won

How Waikato Musicians Took On the World and Won

Arts and Culture     English This is the story of how a small group of musicians from the Waikato took on the world and won and over the course of this brief series we’ll be listening to music from Neil and Tim Finn, Kimbra, Jenny Morris, Chris Thompson, Richard O’Brien and The Datsuns with special appearances from Ruru Karaitiania and John Rowles. Episodes and More
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