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Costa Botes - A Filmmakers Journey

Costa Botes - A Filmmakers Journey

Arts and Culture     Costa Botes is perhaps best known for his 1995 feature Forgotten Silver. Conceived by Costa and written and directed by Costa and Peter Jackson it is one of the great classics of NZ cinema. Costa also chronicled the making of Peter Jackson’s groundbreaking Lord of the Rings project. But that’s only a sample of his achievements. Episodes and More
Drawn Borings: A Curated Soundscape for Creative Minds

Drawn Borings: A Curated Soundscape for Creative Minds

Arts and Culture     English Inspired by Grant's practice of automatic drawing, Drawn Borings isn’t just passive background music—it’s an immersive experience designed to open doors to new ideas and creative moments. Episodes and More
He Puna Kōrero

He Puna Kōrero

Arts and Culture     English Do you want to hear about work on climate action, decolonisation and systemic change across the motu? Listen in each week to hear the aspirations and mahi of the Go Eco Waikato team – a voice for the environment, a centre for learning and a catalyst for change. If you’re looking to change the world, this is the podcast for you. Episodes and More
How Waikato Musicians Took On the World and Won

How Waikato Musicians Took On the World and Won

Arts and Culture     English This is the story of how a small group of musicians from the Waikato took on the world and won and over the course of this brief series we’ll be listening to music from Neil and Tim Finn, Kimbra, Jenny Morris, Chris Thompson, Richard O’Brien and The Datsuns with special appearances from Ruru Karaitiania and John Rowles. Episodes and More
Indigenising Your Space

Indigenising Your Space

Arts and Culture     English Welcome to Indigenising Your Space — what does it mean, and how can you begin? Whether it’s a space where you're encouraging an institution to reinstate Mātauranga Māori or developing indigenous strategic frameworks to improve outcomes, Indigenising Your Space is a Free FM series that explores Aotearoa New Zealand's cultural renaissance and the steps you can adopt. Episodes and More
Musical Journeys

Musical Journeys

Arts and Culture     English, Spanish (Latin America) Musical Journeys is a way to share and pay respect to various cultural and musical movements from across the globe, and is shared with us from our friends at Raglan Community Radio. Rodrigo Hill from Brazil and Xavier Meade from Mexico take turn-about to broaden our musical horizons. Episodes and More
That's The Ticket

That's The Ticket

Arts and Culture     English Hannah Mooney has your ticket to arts happenings in the Tron and beyond. Interviews with local creatives, what’s on guides and even the odd performance live on air... Episodes and More
The Joy of Classical Music

The Joy of Classical Music

Arts and Culture     English Exploring classical music in all its glories and complexities. From the sweetest melodic to the cutting edge of the avant-garde... from the deep past to the freshest contemporary. All of it. The joy of classical music. Episodes and More
WTS Waikato

WTS Waikato

Arts and Culture     English Telling the hyperlocal, controversial and quirky stories of the Waikato region under the new normal. Episodes and More
You're the Voice

You're the Voice

Arts and Culture     English Born in the UK, Chris Thompson was raised in New Zealand, calls himself a Kiwi, and calls Kirikiriroa ‘home’. In this two-part series Andrew Johnstone talks to Chris about his hugely successful international career which includes NZ band Mandrake, his work with Manfred Mann’s Earth Band, Jeff Wayne’s War Of The Worlds soundtrack, and the mega-anthem made famous by John Farnham. Episodes and More
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