She Moves Podcast

She Moves Podcast

Host: Jenna and Renee
Category: Health
Language: English

The She Moves Podcast is your go-to podcast for all things motherhood, exercise and realistic self-care with hosts Ren and Jen. Two small town besties and award-winning pre/postpartum fitness trainers who’ve grown a successful community through their online workout programme. You’ll hear them chatting about the hard stuff, the invisible load of motherhood, love, loss, juggling balls and trying to find balance. The She Moves Podcast is here to bring you practical information, tips and tricks to help you navigate your motherhood journey. Get ready to hear actionable advice, best-kept wellness secrets, many candid conversations with Kiwi mums and no doubt a few laughs too! Stay tuned for a new episode dropping every Monday in line with the NZ school terms! Ren and Jen know ya got a lot on so their episodes aim to be short and sweet but pack a punch - just like their workouts ;) To learn more follow She Moves on Instagram @shemovesnz or

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